Friday, January 12, 2007

Coming Attractions

The following preview is rated PG, though the posts themselves may be rated otherwise.

Coming this fall: Discover the romance, the passion, the adventure, of one graduate student’s academic travails. Set against the gritty backdrop of a university in a large rust belt city, watch as our hero tries to make his way through the dual labyrinths of the Professional and the Parental. Overworked and underpaid, witness the heartbreak as he tries to answer life’s most profound questions, such as, “When are you going to get a real job?” and “Who cares about literature, really?” Armed only with an arsenal of critical theory and more battered Penguin editions than anyone should be allowed to own, gasp as he winds his way toward the Dissertation. Experience the struggle as he and his wife try to raise their infant daughter to become a self-reliant woman. Hear the cries as the daughter begs, “No more Wollstonecraft and De Beauvoir. Read me Dr. Seuss, or at least Butler!”

Stupendous! Not a blog to be missed!
-- The New York Times

I haven’t laughed or cried so much since I saw Ishtar.
-- David Denby, The New Yorker

Who the hell reads Le Deuxieme Sex to an eight-month-old? I mean, seriously?
-- Le Monde

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